Tanto. Knife Fighting Togakure ryu. By Luboš Pokorný
Tanto jutsu is one of the disciplines of the Togakure ryu school of ninjutsu, and it is still taught by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi
Tanto jutsu is one of the disciplines of the Togakure ryu school of ninjutsu, and it is still taught by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi, 34th Grandmaster of this school. In this book, the reader will find not only the names of the techniques relating to the tanto (knife), but also the basic names of taijutsu (unarmed combat techniques).
The author’s goal is not just to teach tanto (knife) techniques; he also wants students to be able to see the techniques that have been taught in the ninpo taijutsu for centuries.
The author notes that these techniques should not be understood as foundational, but rather variations that can be performed differently each time depending on the environment which one finds themselves in. This type of free system continues to be taught in ninjutsu precisely so that the fighter may adapt to any situation.
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