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Kukishinden ryu jo jutsu
In Samurai Unarmed Combat Techniques, Masaaki Hatsumi, the great master of Budo
and the most prestigious Ninja in the world, author of Advanced Stick Fighting em> and
The Way of the Ninja, describes in this book all the techniques of the Bujinkan schools...
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In English and Japanese

The ancient and revered art of ninjutsu evolved over time. in different ways, depending on the
region and period. However, each branch of ninjutsu has kept the spirit of budo at its
core. The ninjas would protect themselves with a cunning and intimate awareness of their natural environment
avoiding any kind of conflict and, if forced, would achieve victory without bloodshed.

Tenchijin Ryaku no maki (Original-English translation). By Masaaki Hatsumi

Tenchijin Ryaku no maki (Original). Por Masaaki Hatsumi

Técnicas samurai de combate sin armas. Por Masaaki Hastumi

Tenchijin Ryaku no Maki. Notas de entrenamiento en Japón. Por Fernando Aixa

Tanto. Knife Fighting Togakure ryu. By Luboš Pokorný

El libro completo del Ninja, por Masaaki Hatsumi

Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu and Jutaijutsu (English Edition). By Fernando Aixa

Kukishinden Ryu Hanbo jutsu (Ed. Castellano). Por Fernando Aixa