
Togakure ryu Ninpo Taijutsu (By Masaaki Hatsumi). Deluxe English Edition

48,08 €

One of the two first essential books about the techniques of ninjutsu by Masaaki Hatsumi, soke of Bujinkan Dojo

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Togakure ryu Ninpo Taijutsu

This text is a technical book on the entire foundation of ninpo taijutsu (unarmed ninja combat techniques) and is an excellent companion to the original Tenchijin Ryaku No Maki which we have already published in English.

This book will be structured in the same was as Tenchijin Ryaku No Maki (in three parts: Ten, Chi and Jin ryaku no maki), but its content is not exactly the same. In the book Togakure ryu Ninpo Taijutsu, there are some sections that do not appear in the original Tenchijin and vice versa. Furthermore, when you consider that the Ninpo Taijutsu is fully illustrated, with the two books you will have a complete foundation in the taijutsu of ninpo.

A classic ninjutsu book from Bujinkan that are a must-have for your library.


Prologue from the 1983 edition

Letter from Hatsumi Sensei for the 2019 edition

Chapter 1: Ten Ryaku no Maki

Way of life and diet of the martial artist

Junan undo to kokyuho (柔軟運動と呼吸法) “flexibility exercises and breathing techniques”

Taihenjutsu (体変術) “corporal movement techniques”

Shinken gata taihenjutsu (真剣型体変術)

Ukimi no jutsu and ankokutoshijutsu (浮身の術と暗黒透視術)

The kamae () and its forms

Shoten no jutsu (昇天の術)

Uke nagashi (受け流し)

Hiken juroppo (秘拳十六法) “The 16 secret methods of hitting”

Types of ken ( «fist»)

Sanshin no kata (三心の型) “The Three Hearts Forms”
Earth ( chi), water ( sui), fire ( ka), wind ( fu) and emptiness ( ku)

Kihon happo (基本八法) “the eight foundation forms”

Kyusho (急所) and kiai (気合)

Chapter  2: Chi Ryaku no Maki

Keri () “kicks”

Ways of blocking the kicks

Ways of using the ken (), Inashi gata (意無し型)

The mental attitude towards the opponent

Te hodoki (手解き) “hand escape”

Oyagoroshi (親殺) and kogoroshi (子殺)

Takeori (竹折り) “bamboo breaking”

Omote onikudaki (表鬼砕き) and ura onikudaki (裏鬼砕き)

Muso dori (武双捕り)

O Gyaku (大逆) and its variations

Shimewaza (締め技) “chokes”

Koroshi jime (殺締) “mortal choke”

Jigoku (地獄), gokuraku (極楽) and yume no makura (夢の枕)

Nage (投げ) “throws”

Chapter 3: Jin Ryaku no Maki

Kumi uchi (組み打ち) “combat”

Josei goshin jutsu (女性護身術) “Self-defense technique for women”

One against many

Shinken shiraha dome (真剣白刃止め) and shiraha dori (白刃捕り) “stopping the blade of a sword” and “grabbing the blade of a sword”

Toteki jutsu (投擲術) “the art of throwing objects”

Kakushi buki (隠 し 武器) “hidden weapons”

Shinden gokui (神伝極意) “divine transmission of the profound lessons”


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