
Sengoku Ninpo Zukan (By Masaaki Hatsumi). Deluxe English Edition

48,08 €

One of the two first essential books about the techniques of ninjutsu by Masaaki Hatsumi, soke of Bujinkan Dojo.

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Sengoku Ninpo Zukan

The title of this book would translate to “Ninpo Illustrated in Times of War”. This book is divided into three main sections:

  • Part I: Shinobi no buki (shinobi weapons). This section provides an overview of all of the ninja’s weapons, from the ninjato to the shuriken and all types of staffs (shikomizue) and items for the water.
  • Part II: Taijutsu. This section shows the technical foundations for taijutsu within ninjutsu, such as: junan taiso (warm-up), kamae (stances), ken (punches), keri (kicks), shime (chokes), taihenjutsu (body movement techniques), etc.
  • Part III: Ningi (ninja techniques). This section introduces the different ninja disciplines (ninja juhakkei). Among these techniques we are shown, for example, bojutsu, yari, sui jutsu, shuriken jutsu, jutte, yumi, etc.

One of the two classic ninjutsu books from Bujinkan that are a must-have for your library.


Prologue: Sengoku and ninpo: Ninpo and the Warring States

Introduction: Shinobi no Honshitsu: The essence of shinobi

Chapter 1: Shinobi no buki: Shinobi weapons

Shinobi clothing and the rokugu

Shinobi gatana: the katana of the shinobi (part 1)

Shinobi gatana: the katana of the shinobi (part 2)

Kusarigama (鎖鎌)

Yari ()

Bisento (眉尖刀)

Naginata (薙刀)

Shuriken (手裏剣)

Shuko (手鉤, tekagi) and ashiko (足鉤, ashikagi)

Makibishi (撒びし)

Igadama (伊賀玉)

Yumi and ya (弓と矢)

Kunai (苦無) and shikoro (しころ)

Heiki (開器)

Toki (登器)

Hashigo (梯子)

Suiki (水器) 

Kakae oozutsu (抱え大筒) and sodezutsu (袖筒) 

Fukiya (吹き矢) 

Wakizashi tanto (脇差短筒) 

Shikomizue (仕込杖)

Tekken (鉄拳)

The ningu of the kunoichi 

Kakushi (角指) 

Sokutoki (息討器) 

Kokeshi (小芥子)

Kakushibuki (隠し武器) 

Dokumizu deppo (毒水鉄砲) 

Kurumi (くるみ) 

Yotsutake (四つ竹) 

Chapter 2: Taijutsu: Combat techniques without weapons 

Junan taiso (柔軟体操) 

Kamae (構え) 

Keri (蹴り) 

Kaiten (回転) 

Yoko nagare (横流れ) 

Tobi (飛び) 

Ken () 

Feet and hand weapons 

Kosshi jutsu (骨指術) and koppo jutsu (骨法術) 

Shime (締め) 

Shime (締め) and tsuki (突き) 

Head, hand and leg training

Taihen jutsu (体変術) 

Sakki jutsu (察気術) 

Inzo (印相, mudras) 

Chapter 3: Shinobi waza: Shinobi techniques 

Bojutsu (棒術)

Sojutsu (槍術)

Bisento jutsu (眉尖刀術) and naginata jutsu (薙刀術) 

Kusarigama jutsu (鎖鎌術) 

Shuriken jutsu (手裏剣術) 

Senban nage jutsu (銛盤投術) 

Naginata jutsu (薙刀術) 

Tekagi (手鉤) and ashikagi (足鉤) no jutsu 

Shikomizue no jutsu (仕込み杖の術) 

Jutte jutsu (十手術) 

Fukiya jutsu (吹矢術) 

Kyujutsu (弓術) 

Metsubushi no jutsu (目つぶしの術) 

Mezashi no jutsu (目刺しの術) 


Suiren (水練) 

Inton (隠遁) 

Ku-no-ichi (くの一)

Chapter 4: Nenpyo: Timelines 

The journey of the ninja: timeline and brief history. 

Chapter 5: Ninjutsu bunken kaidai: Bibliographic introduction to ninjutsu documents

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